Monday, July 17, 2006

Carotid Burree

Strange things seem to sometimes happen on nights. You have weird conversations with people that during the day you would only say hi in passing. Im learning that doctors are people too and that actually my time is just as precious as theirs at work.
Anyways last night I sat down after doing my hourly bits and rested my neck on my hand. And there it was, couldnt believe it. Right about where my right subclavian was there was a thrill (which at the time I mixed up as a burree). A thrill is a palpable kinda gushing pulse, not felt normally, but I have in the past on renal patients with AV fistulas. Its a good thing I work where I do and have doctors ready and willing to quiz on such things. We think its just the way I had my neck positioned.


Blogger hg said...


are you talking about your neck bleeding or something? or some crazy pulse? it sure is handy you have people to ask!

2:28 PM  

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