Sunday, December 17, 2006


Lately I've been thinking about being an adult and having opinions. Its a weird thing as you grow you develop more and more skills of discernment and are exposed to more and more different ideas. I recently found great enjoyment in discussing, or even at an extreme debating different view points with people. Thats why blogs are great, everyone can be free to share ideas and with an open mind make informed decisions about life. Personally, lately I've come to realise that the lie that everyone can have their own truth is rubbish. Where in actual life do we see that opposite truths can exist as both correct. It would be ludicrous to suggest that 1+1 equals 2 but also equals 19 if one would like to believe that. Deep. Any ideas??? Perhaps I'm walking on shaky ground here and I need to back up a bit. I don't want to offend anyone and I try to be as emotionally removed from discussion as I can be in order to harbor an openess in my thinking. I've also found that its good to not take life this seriously all the time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats why blogs are great, everyone can be free to share ideas

Unfortunately, this is also why blogs are sometimes completely retarded :)

I think you're completely right, but on the other hand, whose place is it to tell people that they can't believe what they want? Not that they'll be right, but that's not the point.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

I agree thats there's no point in telling people that they're ideas are wrong, thats not what I'm doing. I'm challenging the idea that everything is truth.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Squirk said...

I think "Truth" is a surprisingly tricky idea to nail down.

Universal facts and perfect knowledge are great, but out of reach to humanity. We need something to take its place, when we speak of "discovering the truth" through discussion, research or whatever.

The "we all have our own truth" model does work if you define "truth" as the best we can come up with and looks pretty reasonable as far as we can tell. That definition scales right up to academic science and history.

Eek, this comment is already far too long. I might use it for a post of my own, though...

4:14 AM  

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