Monday, September 11, 2006

Waiting Lists

Isnt it funny how the papers make everything seem different to how it is in real life. During a conversation the other day with one of the big wigs around the hospital I found out exactly what the waiting list debarkle is all about.This mass "culling" of the waiting list is actually a reorganisation of care. People aren't being deined surgery, noone is being left to rot as the papers would have you believe. The waiting list that is being disestablished is the non-urgent list, the 2-3 year waiting list. Instead of being left on an ever growing list where patients must be at the beckon call of a free theatre spot, they are being reffered back to their GP to care for them until the time thier theatre need is immenent.Of course in an ideal world patients would get surgery as soon as a problem arose, but that has never been the case and without paying a crapload of taxes it won't be. I see everyday that people who need surgery get it and quite frankly it rubs me up the wrong way to see all these whiners who thibnk that noone else could possibly be as sick as them. Actually most people are quite reasonable about it, I think these few only come out for the media's benefit. Anyway the aim of this whole thing is to ensure people are cared for appropriately and not just left on a neverending list. Quite a different perspective than you are lead to believe.
There are three approaches one can take to this situation.
Accept the deal and make sure you have a good GP
Whine and go to the newspapers hoping to make YOUR life a bit better


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if I can't afford Health Insurance of if I can't get Health Insurance because of an existing medical condition. Am I subject to a life full of waiting and being tortured in Hospital by crazed sexy nurses?

8:24 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Well I see you have taken option 2

3:51 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Ok I should clarify- personally I think that the public health system does a great job, especailly here in NZ. I cant stand to hear people complain when healthcare is mostly so readily avalible and when healthcare is actually the responsiblity of the individual anyway, in keeping fit, eating well etc.
I dont have health insurance nor do I think it is necessary. However if one is unhappy with the public system then I would encourage them to take thier problems elsewhere.

3:01 AM  

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